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Dr. Gah-Yi Ban is an Associate Professor of Analytics & Operations at Imperial College Business School. Gah-Yi's research is in Big Data analytics; specifically, decision-making with complex, high-dimensional and highly uncertain data with business applications. Gah-Yi's research has been honoured with the 2021 Best OM Paper in Operations Research award, 2019 INFORMS Data Mining Section Best Paper Award (finalist) and 2018 INFORMS JFIG Paper Competition (Honorable Mention). Gah-Yi is serving or has served as an associate editor of all four top journals in her field (Management Science, Operations Research, M&SOM and POM)is a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Network, and was an Amazon Visiting Academic from 2021-2024. Gah-Yi has taught across undergraduate, masters, PhD and executive education levels and has been honored with a Best Teacher Award, named one of Poets & Quants World’s Best 40 Under 40 MBA Professors and Britannica's 20 Under 40 Young Shapers of the Future (Education). She has also delivered a TEDx talk, "The Power and Perils of Algorithms". 

Gah-Yi was born in Seoul, South Korea, spent her formative years in Sydney, Australia, and has since lived and worked in the U.S. and the U.K. In her spare time she enjoys running and taking her son to London attractions.

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